Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Ballard Bull****
Ballard Bull****
Volume 2, Number 9, ©October-November, 2005
"Where informed attitude counts"
Editor, Publisher & Lead Writer: Richard Andrews
Bergen Place and The Mural
Ballard: Bend Over
So you thought the mural was taken down to do some restoration work? No, no dear readers, that's not how it really went down. As late as November 2nd, the Ballard News-Tribune stated: "The park's distinctive mural, depicting scenes of Scandinavian heritage has been removed temporarily for minor restoration work. . .(it) needs some small touch up work like replacing rusting screws and one-inch pieces of wood." Remember that ocean-front property in Arizona I've got for sale? Here's what really happened.
This whole story started out pretty innocently. I was just wondering where the mural at Bergen Place went, and when it would return. But upon intense investigation, I found a murky maze of quasi-organizations, many of them who seemed intent on diffusing knowledge via intrigue. Well as you kind readers know, you blow smoke in this editor's 20/20 eyes, and my mental vacuum cleaner will strip you naked. You may never see this mural again, but a few powerful people really do want to see it return, so we'll see.
It all starts with the Olsen brothers, (the furniture magnates), who own the brick wall that the mural was kind of installed on. I initially thought its removal was related to "earthquake retrofit," for the wall, which would make sense. But no, that was not the issue. That wall is exempt from the Ballard Historical Commission's rules about old-timey preservation. It escaped that determination by 1/2 block. So what was going on? Of course I had to talk to the principals, so I interviewed both Art and brother Bruce Olsen, owners emeritus. Their wall is the North face of the business "Art By Fire," the exquisite glass shop next to the Chai House. Little slimy, many legged centipedes et al, were crawling right through that wall into the Fire's shop! Well how the heck does that relate to anything? Well, well, as Bruce Olsen told me, he feels that the large mural, affixed to that wall for years, had allowed a continual moisture bath to accumulate behind it, never drying out. This eventually led to mortar deterioration, which led to perfect little houses for soft, viscous clay inhabitants.
Here's where the plot thickens, but the wall doesn't. Olsen's Furniture signed a 30 year lease, way back in 1975, with the Parks Department, and allowed the City to use their wall to "hang" the mural (in 1995, that is). Now let's be fair here, the lease stipulated the City would do necessary maintenance over the life of the lease. Well they did nothing in those three decades, nothing, hence the "rot" of the wall. Well this kind of pissed the Olsen brothers off. They don't want to replace the wall. Bruce Olsen recently got five bids for its repair. They range from $2,500. to $12,500. He feels, since Parks had not honored the maintenance part of the lease, that the City should pay for any and all repairs (through their negligence, that is). And that's the real reason the mural was dismantled. Rest assured, that mural will not hang on Olsen's North wall until Parks divvies up the repair money. Bank on that. Yet the mainstream press, and the local rumor mill, had been fed the scrap of info that the mural came down for some sort of "restoration." Nope, that was a secondary, but effective, PR campaign. But who took the mural down, and where was it being stored? Naturally, I was not done yet.
I finally nailed down Gordon Strand, of the Nordic Heritage Museum. "I've talked to one of the original artists," he said. "The artist feels that any restorative work should be done, after it has been reinstalled, and is in a vertical position." OK, I'm fine with that. "But the moneys that have been saved for that are being tightly controlled, and may not be released." (We're talking a measly three grand here). Oh no, here we go, I thought.
So I caught Victoria Sangrey (a third generation Norwegian), who heads the "Friends of Bergen Place," (and is a member or officer of innumerable Nordic associations) while she was weeding in the Park. I feigned ignorance. "The mural was delicately moved and is in storage, awaiting restoration," she told me. Well that's really a half-truth. Here's what the Post-Intelligencer wrote recently: ". . .the panels that made up the mural are in storage, and while the furniture store is willing to bring the mural back, some day, it's unknown when that might be." Bullshit. Ms. Sangrey "hopes the mural will come back soon." I guess murals sprout little legs and scurry back somehow. To her credit, they have installed granite cornerstones featuring a seining boat image, on the corners of the park. But the real mural answer is coming at you.
Just guess what your editor witnessed a few weeks ago, by happenstance. It was a Sunday, and I had risen early to catch the glorious Fall day that was about to unfold. I walked to Bergen Place, and saw about five men, two on the roof of Olsen's, and three on the ground. The middle panel of the Mural was being lowered by a chain that had been looped around the plywood. Three feet from the ground the chain slipped, and ratcheted along four feet of the edge. Small slivers of wood glinted in the early morning light and I thought, "Who the Hell put Bubba and Hoss in charge of this dismantle?" I stood by Vera's, lip-locked and astounded at the bumbling scene right out of a Marks Brothers film. So much for the "delicate move."
Turns out these hillbillys were some of Ballard's most powerful men.
With the removal of the Nordic themed mural, all we have in this Scandinavian park are the five twenty foot tall penises (or sex-toys, whatever) known as public art, a blank brick wall, some African savanna grass, and now laying flat, a little Nowegian seascape. Now that's heritage, cubed.
With all of the people I was talking with, somehow the Viking Bank was always inserted into the discussions. Hmmm. . .
So I went over to the Ballard Chamber of Commerce, and had a nice chat with Beth Williamson Miller, the Executive Director. Beth is a good lady, and I genuinely like her. She is affable and informative, and knows the insides of this town better than anyone. She overviewed the history of the Park (which I knew already, but always good to hear another slant), and gave me names and numbers. She is almost as fiercely protective of Ballard as I am. Beth was the one that was insistent that I go over to Viking Bank, for the real inside story.
"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!"
from The Wizard of Oz
So I did. Eight times in fact, until I finally had audience with the local heavy hitter, Ozzie Kvithammer. The "Oz-man" founded that bank. Of course he now is more advisory than not, but he's really enjoying retirement, and his official title is "Community Relations Officer" for Viking. Paydirt, readers, paydirt. I would not be intimidated.
He knew why I had come, and escorted me into the official meeting room--a spare, but spacious environment. In front of me was a man who had financially seen it all. (Sitting in that room, I wondered how many deals had gone down in there, legal or not.) He was old enough to find humor in his entire career, and mentally savvy enough to remember details with lightning speed. I definitely had to stay on my toes with this cat.
Remember those "hicks" who I witnessed at the Park, taking down the Mural? Well Ozzie headed that group, and as he told me, "Well, we may have looked like Hoss and Bubba, but most of those men you saw have a net worth that far exceeds mine." Money has never impressed me, Oz-man.
Ozzie is one of those rare gentlemen who figures you out in three seconds. In his "dressed-down" style, he could be any balding man in line at Safeway. He exudes a warmth that can only come from years of intelligent living. Perhaps he got an extra dose of the DNA code that deals with heart.
For well over an hour I successfully pulled details out of this very fun man. He was absolutely a straight-shooter with me, and he didn't need to do that, at all. Had I detected any sort of illusion or con in him, I was ready to rip his ass to shreds, really I was. So here's the story from the apex of this entire mess: Ozzie, and his people, want to find the money to install the Mural as a free-standing sculpture, replete with (he hopes), a stainless steel frame and foundation. That would take the Olsen brothers entirely out of the mix. Amen to that! And he wants this done by mid-May, 2006! Well hell yeah. Then the Artist could have the green light to restore the painting (assuming those restorative funds get pried loose, or there is other funding).
But if anybody can accomplish this, it's Ozzie (and Victoria). Of course, the new installation would require yet another permit from Parks, but guaranteed, Mr. Kvithammer can take care of that in short order, if need be. And to answer the last little detail, the Mural is being stored over at Pacific Fisheries, with space donated by none other than Doug Dixon.
So while all these other groups are running around ill-informed, and all wanting a little glory out of this story, it was the Oz-man who was pro-active. Sure he has to meet with all these little prissies who run around with false Nordic pride, but he's the man when we need action on a viable plan. This man is civic minded, and I like his style. But I guarantee you won't find his name quoted in many articles, (and I've read them all), because this kind of player stays in the background, while he stokes the fire of forward momentum. But just in case the slings and arrows of misfortune befall Ozzie, guess who is going to contact the Norwegian Consulate, here in Seattle, and the present Norwegian King Harold and his lovely bride, Queen Sonja. . . . ? Well heck, it wouldn't be me would it?
All of those Nordic committees had a meeting on October 25th, and basically, from what I'm told, it was more drivel and "planning." I wish everybody would just shit and get off the can. So after it's all said and done, we only know one thing for sure: the mural is gone. We do not know when it will return. It's just too damn complicated in this town of talk 'till you die, then let your kids talk 'till they die, then do something.
Hey, just for fun: if you're by the Viking Bank, why not stop in and thank this iconic man (Ozzie), he's one of the few true allies we have. And if he's not in, leave a message with any of the polite people who work there, and sign the note, "Richard sent me. . . . ."
So while all these other groups are running around ill-informed, and all wanting a little glory out of this story, it was the Oz-man who was pro-active. Sure he has to meet with all these little prissies who run around with false Nordic pride, but he's the man when we need action on a viable plan. This man is civic minded, and I like his style. But I guarantee you won't find his name quoted in many articles, (and I've read them all), because this kind of player stays in the background, while he stokes the fire of forward momentum. But just in case the slings and arrows of misfortune befall Ozzie, guess who is going to contact the Norwegian Consulate, here in Seattle, and the present Norwegian King Harold and his lovely bride, Queen Sonja. . . . ? Well heck, it wouldn't be me would it?
All of those Nordic committees had a meeting on October 25th, and basically, from what I'm told, it was more drivel and "planning." I wish everybody would just shit and get off the can. So after it's all said and done, we only know one thing for sure: the mural is gone. We do not know when it will return. It's just too damn complicated in this town of talk 'till you die, then let your kids talk 'till they die, then do something.
Hey, just for fun: if you're by the Viking Bank, why not stop in and thank this iconic man (Ozzie), he's one of the few true allies we have. And if he's not in, leave a message with any of the polite people who work there, and sign the note, "Richard sent me. . . . ."
* * * * *
Ballard Etymology
I Demand Babe The Blue Ox be Installed in Bergen Place!
Scandinavian Roots? Bad hair dye?
"I have no problem whatsoever with dumb blonde jokes. First of all, I'm not stupid, and secondly, I'm not blonde."
Dolly Parton
Ballard's reputation is only preceded by its revisionist lies. The current hyperbole is a logical extension of bad PR and even worse, Nordic perpetuation. Whoa, that's a pretty damning statement from your editor who lives here isn't it? But let's just take a little peek into historical fact, and then you judge for yourself.
When 1899 flipped into the twentieth century, Ballard was a boomtown, and it's own town. It hadn't agreed yet, to be absorbed into Seattle (that would be in 1907). People were flooding in from everywhere, and the stench and smoke from the ten lumber and shake mills that lined the Locks was all-pervading. But there was work here, lots of it, and almost unlimited resources to pillage. So where did this idea come from, that Ballard was overwhelmingly a destination for the northern Europeans? Was this truth, or was it an idea that morphed into legendary, but incorrect status?
Let's take a look at the hard facts, courtesy of the U.S. Census, and courtesy of the landmark book, Passport to Ballard: The Centennial Story. In 1910, Puget Sound was undergoing explosive growth. Tens of thousands of domestic and international immigrants were pouring in, and quite literally, many had more than one job offer. This westward movement easily submerged the more benign culture that had preceded it. But just how dense was the Scandinavian population? Are we emulating a percentage that just doesn't measure up?
According the official U.S. Census of 1910, 44% of Ballard's residents were foreign born, and 56% were U.S. born. Bear with me now, statistics can get both boring and confusing. From the total demographic pie, 27.3% were Scandinavian born, and 27.39 % were U.S. born, from the MidWest (WI, MI, MN, IL and IA)! The remaining percentages included "other" foreign born (16.7 %), and U.S. born, other regions (27.9 %). The Scandinavian percentages never increased from 27.3 %. So why aren't we celebrating Paul Bunyan and cheese, instead of gnomes and lutefisk? After all, by the slimmest of margins, .09 %, the Scandinavians were in second place to the MidWesterners. So how on Earth did Ballard become solely associated with this Nordic heritage thing?
The immigrants were boisterous, different, and in your face, all of the time. They were always celebrating something, and they ate strange things that were soaked in lye. They were entrepreneurs, their decorations were loud and beautiful, they were not held down by any norms whatsoever, after all, they were in a new country, and felt the need to explode. They had evolved from a nation of seafaring conquerers, and knew it. A long long time ago, their ancestors had already visited this New Continent (as in 900 A.D.). It was common oral historical legacy.
The internal immigrants from the Midwest understood the trades, and trees. Their culture was the work ethic; their ethnicity was secondary. Many of them were German. Their grandparents were true immigrants, and talked "funny". By sheer personality, the Scandinavians ruled.
But this 1910 census hid yet another important, albeit humorous fact. Adults, defined as 18 years or older, made up 68% of Ballard. And get this: Ballard continued to be a paradise for single women with there being seven single men for every three unmarried women.
With that ratio, do you really think these women gave a rat's ass about equality?
* * * * *
Chapter 7
by H.C. Petley
We continue this tale of the Crows that fly above us here in Ballard, by renowned writer, Herbert Petley, written exclusively for the Ballard Bull****. Your kids will love it!
"Oh ye crows! Ye squawky songs disturb my contemplations."
Hagus Blinders, 1634
The sky was filled with crows flying in scattered chaos, swirling on black wings, diving and cavorting, engaging each other eye to eye, showing black feathers.
"Come along," old crow shouted as he flew by, racing the lacy clouds above. Young crow shook himself awake from a brief afternoon nap.
"What is the ruckus?" he asked as old crow settled on the spruce bough beside him.
"CrowMoot! Song gathering! It is time to sing our crow songs. It is time for the nestlings to be abandoned. Great Raven hath given us our mighty crow voices and today is CroWoot! Our time to voice. Our time to sing." Old crow flew off and young crow quickly followed after him.
First ten, then twenty, then crows unnumbered filled the sky with rustling feathers. Pigeons scattered. Starlings stayed clear. Bushbirds huddled under twig and leaf. Sparrows hushed in sudden silence. This was CrowMoot! Even gulls flew away.
To a human ear, to the ear of dog or squirrel, the songs of crows are raucous cacophonies. But to crows, their songs are the echos of Great Raven and his primal band of feathered accomplices. A great cloud of crows swirled over the trees. Old crow was eager to join in and young crow followed, uplifted by the warm currents of air, encouraged by the presence of so many other crows, many of whom he recognized, his friends, his sisters, his pals.
The crows called and sang, flying in a wide circle. They sang of clouds, they sang of rain, they sang of their many battles with the gulls. All of the younger crows were keen to learn the songs, happy indeed to repeat them. CrowMoot! A jargon day for the songs of crows. They sang of plenteous food, of fish carcasses, nests and feathers. Half a day went by in flying songs.
And then, above all, old crow flew. He circled the cloud of wheeling wings below him. Old crow sang the Song of the Eagle. He was the only crow able to sing that song. Most of those flying just under his wings were hatchlings when the Eagle was last sighted. Few there were who remembered the Eagle invasion. Old crow and his brethren had driven the monstrous sky terror from their territory. After that, a great Moot was held in honor of the encounter. Old crow became Top Crow then, by the acclaim of all the others.
And now he sang his song of remembrance. How the Eagle, huge and silent, had come gliding across the sky, sweeping in from the far country where bears roamed and trees stood so close together even the humans didn't go there.
Young crow flew in wide circles along with his peers. Old crow, his tattered wings spread wide, his eyes clear, his beak held high, sang his Eagle Song in a strong clear voice. He was still Top Crow and, although many were stronger of wing, quicker of beak and talon, none flew up to challenge him.
The sky was filled with crows flying in scattered chaos, swirling on black wings, diving and cavorting, engaging each other eye to eye, showing black feathers.
"Come along," old crow shouted as he flew by, racing the lacy clouds above. Young crow shook himself awake from a brief afternoon nap.
"What is the ruckus?" he asked as old crow settled on the spruce bough beside him.
"CrowMoot! Song gathering! It is time to sing our crow songs. It is time for the nestlings to be abandoned. Great Raven hath given us our mighty crow voices and today is CroWoot! Our time to voice. Our time to sing." Old crow flew off and young crow quickly followed after him.
First ten, then twenty, then crows unnumbered filled the sky with rustling feathers. Pigeons scattered. Starlings stayed clear. Bushbirds huddled under twig and leaf. Sparrows hushed in sudden silence. This was CrowMoot! Even gulls flew away.
To a human ear, to the ear of dog or squirrel, the songs of crows are raucous cacophonies. But to crows, their songs are the echos of Great Raven and his primal band of feathered accomplices. A great cloud of crows swirled over the trees. Old crow was eager to join in and young crow followed, uplifted by the warm currents of air, encouraged by the presence of so many other crows, many of whom he recognized, his friends, his sisters, his pals.
The crows called and sang, flying in a wide circle. They sang of clouds, they sang of rain, they sang of their many battles with the gulls. All of the younger crows were keen to learn the songs, happy indeed to repeat them. CrowMoot! A jargon day for the songs of crows. They sang of plenteous food, of fish carcasses, nests and feathers. Half a day went by in flying songs.
And then, above all, old crow flew. He circled the cloud of wheeling wings below him. Old crow sang the Song of the Eagle. He was the only crow able to sing that song. Most of those flying just under his wings were hatchlings when the Eagle was last sighted. Few there were who remembered the Eagle invasion. Old crow and his brethren had driven the monstrous sky terror from their territory. After that, a great Moot was held in honor of the encounter. Old crow became Top Crow then, by the acclaim of all the others.
And now he sang his song of remembrance. How the Eagle, huge and silent, had come gliding across the sky, sweeping in from the far country where bears roamed and trees stood so close together even the humans didn't go there.
Young crow flew in wide circles along with his peers. Old crow, his tattered wings spread wide, his eyes clear, his beak held high, sang his Eagle Song in a strong clear voice. He was still Top Crow and, although many were stronger of wing, quicker of beak and talon, none flew up to challenge him.
* * * * *
Crudie Rudy Redux
"Why don't you stick that leaf blower up your ass and spray your tonsils all over Market Street?"
--Ballard resident, who shall remain anonymous
This story just will never end it seems. I wrote about Rudy McCoy almost two years ago, and, like a good parasite he's still around. He's the one who is supposedly cleaning up Market Street, in the early morning hours, with his leaf blower that God gave him. I wrote about his absolute disregard for us locals, and the possible health effects his blower was causing (not to mention a decibel problem). I wrote about all of those pretty girls, dressed to the nines, waiting for the bus, that had to deal with his cloud of dirt, spores and toxins.
Well I received an e-mail from a loyal reader, who voiced his anger about Rudy, when he showed up on Market Street at 6:10 a.m., leaf blower going strong. That was enough for your editor to notch up the power play, so I went to see Rob Mattson, Neighborhood District Coordinator, Department of Neighborhoods at the Neighborhood Center, in the new Library. He is the apex of power for this little problem, even though Crudie Rudy's paycheck comes from the Ballard Merchants Association, a non-profit with a questionable agenda, headed by Mary Hurley, of Best Regards.
Rob is not sighted (that's the current correct spin nowadays), and his service dog is a sweetheart. Rob is also a city employee, and sharp--wait a minute, beyond sharp, so let's say he's brilliant at what he does. Rob is also used to most people giving him extra credence because of his disability, and uses that to his advantage. To everyone else but me, that is. But he gave me audience. Repeatedly, he tried to deluge me with bureaucratic squiggle, but you readers know me too well, and I persevered. When he finally realized he couldn't snow me with verbage, he settled down, and listened. Of course I came armed with a solution as well, but if it didn't come from Rob, or Mary, it wasn't a solution, it would be, in his terms, a "perception."
And just so you kind readers know, I received other complaints, recently, about Crudie Rudy--at least six businesses have contacted me, as well as other individuals who wish to remain anonymous. One very public woman told me of a man at the corner of Roosevelt and 65th, who sweeps the walkways, and bags the garbage. Well how novel an idea, to actually care about your own neighborhood!
Recently, Crudie Rudy, delivered a flyer, or should I say some sanitized apologia, (is that too big a word for you Rudy?) to all of the merchants on Market Street. He wrote that milque-toast letter, which still smelled like shit, about how he was basically the ecological Savior to Ballard. Well I wrote a rebuttal, and on Thursday, October 27th, delivered that response to a couple of dozen of our Market Street merchants. What a response I got! The business owners didn't know they were paying for a death merchant. They all had received an "ivoice" (a payable debt), from the BMA, with stepdown billing, and much later it was called a "contribution." This deceptive billing had some of the merchants hoodwinked. Some thought they were paying for yet another City service. I patiently let all of them know the scam they were being subjected to, and that they were not required to pay it. NOT ONE of them thought it was fair. In fact, some of them were riled to the point of action. So the bottom line is, Mary, and her Toy-Boy Rudie, are pissing off the very merchants that make our place interesting and vibrant.
Of course the Assholes are going to try to topple my argument with fancy verbal digressions. But guess what your Editor has in his possession? The night of Sunday, October 23rd was a bit blustery, the Fall winds had started. And for whatever reason, Crudie Rudy decide to use his penis blower at 8:10 p.m. Well, a tenant, who lives above Tully's, had had enough, and confronted him during his illegal foray. The confrontation was loud, and almost violent. Rudy thought he could bully this local, but it wasn't to be. Well the beauty of this event just happened to be serendipitous. A friend of the Bull****, just happened to be there, with his vid-cam, and recorded it. I have, in my possession, a 90 second video, with audio, of Rudy's little indiscretion. Rudy broke the Seattle Municipal Code, and I have evidence that will crush him in any legal action. Wanna tangle Rudy?
Pyroclastic love, just let it flow dear readers
And Rudy was oh so kind, in his putrid essay, to give you his phone number. Why don't you give him a call and tell him how much you love him? His gratuitous number is: 206.459.0622. Mary Hurley, on her billing statement also gave you her number, so give her some love: 206.783.4562. And by God, Rob Mattson even put his little contact on the bill: 206.684.4060. So let's all sing a little "Koom-by-ya" around the campfire for these stellar pillars of our community. Oh, and I almost forgot, if any of you wish to really stir up the coals, the Ballard Merchants Association registered, non-profit number (for Washington State) is: UBI 601.328.207. Believe me, just one complaint to the State regarding a Nonprofit is equivalent to the death knell, and two complaints......is the sweet smell of power to the people.
Which brings up yet another point: many of the Merchants don't pay for this vile service, yet they have to clean up the interior of their space. Meaning, Crudie Rudy's effluent is spewing dirt, mold, and shit into their businesses, from underneath their doors! So if they pay the bogus invoice, they're really paying to have some dick-head throw a mess into their place of business! And if they don't pay the "contribution," they are cleaning up a mess that shouldn't have been there in the first place. So just that little action could be assessed as vandalism. Wow, that's certainly a good bang for the buck.
Blind Justice?
Rob finally realized I wasn't there to attack him or Crudy Rudy, that I was there representing my neighborhood. That's a testament to his intelligence, or perhaps it's a testament to his ass coverage. When he makes a call to SPD, they respond with full force. But that's not enough for me to kiss anyone's butt. I view Rob as a clever manipulator, once he scrapes the brown stuff off his nose. He let me know that Rudy's job, basically, was tenuous. That this whole "clean-up of Market Street" could collapse in a heartbeat. I told him I was OK with that. Would you really mind shuffling through aromatic Fall leaves, and reminisce about days gone by? "Not that many people make the effort to either see me, or field a complaint," he told me (see phone number above). "They just get annoyed and go home." Well there's a no brainer--not that many people get an active response from Rob, unless you're one of the "insiders", that is.
"When one burns bridges, what a very nice fire it makes!"
Dylan Thomas
"So here's what I propose," I said. "Do you remember that little thing called work? Don't fire Rudy, but have him sweep Market Street, by hand, from 20th to 24th, and use the blower on adjacent areas." Gee, is labor really that hard a thing to ask for, to preserve neighborhood ambience and public health? Rob knew I was right, and sort of conceded. He also was bright enough to know that I probably had other levers to pull, if he had been confrontational (in the next issue, I'll tell you a tale of how he loves to bully people). But he couldn't resist at least one barb to me: "Ballard's a small town," he said. "You really don't want to burn too many bridges." It's all he had for ammunition, and the sulphur and gunpowder was just too damp. Don't threaten me at all, because my ultimate power rests with this neighborhood who supports me, remember "the people" Rob? Bureaucratic assholes merely amuse me. I am a thief--I only steal one thing: I steal power and shoot it right back to the common man. Rob assured me of only one thing--continued psycho-babble ranting.
So Ms. Hurley makes up a pretty invoice and bills the merchants so she can pay the ogre to poison us. It's true. She bills people who have not signed into her bogus Association, and it looks so damn official, some people actually send her the "fees." Under the guise of a formal invoice, which looks powerful and dominating, your payment really is voluntary. This is called subterfuge. So my suggestion to every Market Street merchant is: don't give a dime for this so-called "service." You don't have to be coerced by a small time business owner is who has learned how to feed at the trough. Lombardi's doesn't pay for this financial atrocity, why should you? Yup, Ballard sure is a small town. . . but I will not let the lacky off the hook. Crudie Rudy thinks he's a cop when he's doing his poisonous mischief. He's reviled in our community, and should be sentenced to years of community service assisting the asthmatics, and he should launder, by hand, the clothes of the professional women who ride the bus and get soiled from his filthy semen. Then, perhaps he should be impaled on one of the five penises that adorn Bergen Place. That way the next King of Norway could be reminded of his own penitent past.
Politics Makes Strange Bedfellows
I want to stress the fact that Rob appeared to be a genuine fellow. But appearances can be tricky. His office is in the southern bowels of the Library, behind locked doors, but power usually rests in unforeseen locales. His handshake is firm, and he lives with technology for support. Maybe it'd be fun to get him drunk, and watch him cry on my shoulder for all of the sins he has visited on Ballard. Let him know that he really isn't that insulated from the very neighborhood he claims to represent. Let him know that he's really an overpaid call girl, who has to put his palms on the ground for the City at any given time. He's really one of the "good ole boys" whose network time has passed.
And then I'd like to invite him to walk with Rudy for one morning, without earplugs or dust mask. Oh, and I'd probably slip his service dog a little pale ale, just for fun. . . . . . .
* * * * *
little snippets about our community
Washington Mutual: Will you moneyed assholes please put the hands back on the clock tower? It's been a year, or better now. You suck as much money from our community as possible, and you can't afford to do this little civic thing?
The Locks: Now that you've installed those fancy little electronic parking pay stations, charging us for the first time in History, why don't you lighten up on the security? Jeez, you can't even set up an easel on "your" precious lawns without the Port of Seattle or Homeland Security jackboot idiots questioning you. I believe that land belongs to us, the citizens. . .
Ballard Bull**** is on-line kidz: Ok, for those of you who haven't seen what your writer looks like, I've got a pic for ya there: http://ballardbullshit.blogspot.com, as well as the current issue of the Bull****, and in time, check the Archives.
Another fatality: Only the street people know this little ditty. They found yet another body, about three weeks ago, at the shore of the Canal, by Fred Meyer's. Nobody's talking, after all, if you're homeless, you're also anonymous. . .
Ron Sims: You know why I still like him (but did not endorsed his candidacy)? It was within his power to nix, with finality, the move by Southwest Airlines, and others, to use Boeing Field as a hub (instead of SeaTac). And he trounced it. I found out, had this horrible idea gone through, that up to 52 commercial flights a day would have started their descent directly over Ballard and Magnolia!!! Every day. I don't care how you politically feel about Ron, this was a major bullet that was dodged.
The 1st Amendment: I've had people who care about me try to caution me about the content of this rag. They feel I could be in serious danger because of the depth of my investigations. Well thanks for the concern, but I just happen to love my neighborhood. All I can really say is "bring it on" to the scammers who hide under the cloak of normalcy, but who are really pigs feeding at the moneyed trough of public compliance. These are the insidious enemies of you and me, but they groom their appearances to disguise their secret agendas of power, and money. They can try to sue me, but guess who has a friend over at the ACLU? Let's rumble. . .
32nd? 65th? Holman? 85th? 3rd?: Ok fair enough. Some people have mentioned that I should be covering the extended Ballard, the rest of our neighborhood that radiates out of Market street. Guess what, you're right, and I'll address those areas, in upcoming issues. Thanks for the noise! Don't forget to e-mail me: ballardbullshit@yahoo.com
* * * * *
And in keeping with the Ballard guests contributing to this issue, I give you
Brandon Hatley
who lives on 61st Street NW, goes to the UW, works at QFC, and with that full plate still has time to write poetry. He can have the last word, for this issue.
One Cent Wishes/Get What You Pay For
©2005, Brandon Hatley
"Love is a sham"
One of my buddies said
To me
"You can't learn
From your mistakes
Because every woman is
A different mistake"
Another one said
I guess I am
Just looking
For a well
To throw my penny into